"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind."
- Brad Meltzer
"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind."
- Brad Meltzer
- Brad Meltzer
- Brad Meltzer
Mental health issues including anxiety are never easy to talk about. But that does't mean these conversations aren't needed. The importance of mental health awareness is something we shouldn't underestimate. With that in mind I've decided to share my personal experience with anxiety, what I've learned, and the insights I've gained along the way. I'll be discussing among other things what I've found that's worked and what hasn't. Of course everyone's journey is unique. I know there are a lot of mental health blogs out there. My hope is that you find what's here to be helpful. Please know that if you're struggling with anxiety or any other mental health issue, you're not alone.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a mental health professional. While I hope you find what I share here to be helpful, it should not be taken as professional guidance for any mental health issue or concern.
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